Thursday, August 15, 2013

Oracle Human Task - Business rules based worker assignment

In Oracle BPM/SOA 11g, the Human Workflow allows worker assignment based on Oracle business rules.

This tutorial covers the scenario in a step-by-step manner.

The rules engine provides the following functions to facilitate different type of assignments
  • CreateResourceList
  • CreateSupervisoryList
  • CreateManagementChainList
  • CreateApprovalGroupList
  • CreateJobLevelList
  • CreatePositionList
More about it here (Oracle BPM Implementation Guide)

My observation is that each human task has to have a separate business rule component. This is odd considering I can have identical business rule logic for multiple tasks. One solution is to link a generic dictionary across all the BR components. However, each task will still required to have a separate rules component.

Monday, April 29, 2013

BPM 11g interaction with Events (EDN)

The 'events' in SOA/BPM 11g suite are represented as 'signals' in a BPMN process.

Here is a tutorial documenting the interaction between BPMN process and events.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Jdeveloper Memory Usage Tweaks

Jdeveloper is a memory hog.

Update 1:
I also encountered a strange issue. Jdeveloper 64-bit (yes, its 2 yrs old at this point) does not work well with JDK jdk1.6.0_30.

"Unable to launch the Java Virtual Machine" - Discussed here

Tweak Jdev memory settings

Tweak Java for better UI performance